Two Post Cantilever Lift

Two Post Cantilever Lift Two Post Cantilever Lift

The carriage is guided and supported by two masts, both of which are located on the same side of the carriage. Two post cantilever lifts are most commonly actuated by either electro-hydraulic or electro-mechanical means. Because three sides of the carriage can be accessed, this style lift can accommodate "C", "Z" and 90 degree loading patterns.

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Two Post Straddle Lift

Two Post Straddle Lift Two Post Straddle Lift

The carriage is guided by and suspended between two masts that are located on opposite sides of the carriage. Two post straddle lifts are most commonly actuated by either electro-hydraulic or electro-mechanical means. Because two sides of the carriage cannot be accessed due to the location of the two masts, this style lift is restricted to "C" and "Z" loading patterns.

Member companies that manufacture this product type:

Four Post Lift

Two Post Straddle Lift Two Post Straddle Lift

This special type of straddle lift carriage is guided by and suspended between two sets of two masts that are located on opposite sides of the carriage. Four post lifts are used in applications where large carriages and/or higher capacities are required, and are most commonly actuated by either electro-mechanical or electro-hydraulic means. Although the two side of the carriage adjacent to the masts have limited access, this style lift can accommodate "C", "Z" and 90 degree loading patterns.

Member companies that manufacture this product type:
