• RMI Rack Safety Episode 1: Selecting Your Rack System

Storage Rack Safety 101


ANSI MH16.3-2016, Design, Testing, and Utilization of Industrial Steel Cantilevered Storage Racks

Purchase Standard

ANSI MH16.1-2023, Design, Testing, and Utilization of Industrial Storage Racks

Purchase Standard

Considerations for the Planning and Use of Industrial Steel Storage Racks-2023

Purchase Document

Guideline for the Assessment and Repair or Replacement of Damaged Rack-2023

Purchase Document

ANSI MH26.2 2023, Design, Testing, and Utilization of Industrial Storage Rack Decking

Purchase Standard

ANSI MH32.1-2018 - Stairs, Ladders, and Open-Edge Guards for Use with Material Handling Structures

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Complete RMI Illustrated Examples 1- 18 combined


California Strong Motion Instrumentation of Storage Racks Project

RMI Seismic Instrumentation Candidate Form
Earthquake Shaking Potential for California

Max Lovell, Miami University in Ohio
The 2023 Daniel Clapp Memorial Scholarship has been awarded to Max Lovell, a freshman Supply Chain Management student at Miami University in Ohio. His father works for an automotive manufacturing plant in his hometown, and Max has always been amazed by the movement of materials and equipment inside and outside the plant. He plans to use his focus on computer science to improve communications between humans and automation.

Eliza Bohard, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
The 2023 Rack Manufacturers Institute Honor Scholarships sponsored by ASG Services have been awarded to Eliza Bohard, a senior Industrial Engineering student at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities. She is a gold star active member of the Society of Women Engineers and a mentee for the College of Science and Engineering Ambassadors at her school. Last summer she interned at Cummins as a supply chain and manufacturing intern. This summer she will intern for Boston Scientific as a manufacturing engineer. She plans to enter the workforce upon graduation.

Brian Blood, Kansas State University
The 2023 Rack Manufacturers Institute Honor Scholarships sponsored by ASG Services has been awarded to Brian Blood, a senior Industrial Engineering student at Kansas State University. He is a case competition member of the K-State Global Supply Chain Club, and he is an Eagle Scout. He has interned as an Industrial Engineer at Walt Disney World which resulted in a machine learning model that predicted demand and led to labor planning. This summer he plans to intern at the data science arm of The Kroger Company concentrating on facility planning, material handling and space optimization work. Brian plans to enter the workforce after graduation.

Sylvi Frogness, University of Minnesota
The 2023 Rack Manufacturers Institute Honor Scholarships sponsored by ASG Services has been awarded to Sylvi Frogness, a senior Industrial Engineering student at the University of Minnesota. She worked a co-op at Greenheck Group where she initiated a warehousing system for external storage resulting in a two-day decrease in build cycle times. After graduation Sylvi would like to work as a manufacturing engineer focusing on systems and processes.

Seth Thibodeau, Oklahoma State University
The 2023 Rack Manufacturers Institute Honor Scholarships sponsored by ASG Services has been awarded to Seth Thibodeau, a junior Industrial Engineering student at Oklahoma State University. Seth currently works as a Facilities Systems Technician for the Stillwater Public Schools while also attending school full time. In his job he designs and creates warehouse inventory systems along with warehouse management. After graduation, he would like to work as an Industrial Engineer focusing on structural design processes to avoid future problems with facilities.

Executive Members manufacture and control the structural design and manufacture of industrial steel storage rack. Executive Members can participate in all RMI membership activities.
General Members manufacture and control the structural design and manufacture of industrial steel storage rack. General Members have limited participation in RMI membership activities.
Associate Members include manufacturers of structures or structural components of the following types: Portable Racks designed to stack, Pallet Stacking Frames, or Structural Rack Decking. Associate Members also include manufacturers of rack repair and safety components for industrial steel storage rack. Associate Members have limited participation in RMI membership activities.
ProMat DX: RMI of MHI presents: Planning Your Rack System - Traditional and E-Commerce
As ecommerce becomes the norm in warehousing and distribution, the need to adapt storage and retrieval systems is imminent. RMI industry experts will share how rack system designs are changing to meet the requirements in the ecommerce world.
ProMat DX: RMI of MHI presents: Storage Rack Safety 101
The safe use of a storage rack system is key to the productivity of a warehouse. We discuss the resources available from the Rack Manufacturers Institute that can be used to design and implement a safe rack system. We discuss the inspections necessary in maintaining a safe rack system. We discuss how to assess rack damage and how to make a repair or replace decision.
Material properties of cold-formed steel under subzero temperatures
Cold-formed steel (CFS) structures are becoming increasingly prominent in many construction scenarios because of its distinct advantages, which includes light-weight, easy and low cost for stacking, transportation, and construction.
ANSI MH16.1-2023, Design, Testing, and Utilization of Industrial Storage Racks
Considerations for the Planning and Use of Industrial Steel Storage Racks-2023
Guideline for the Assessment and Repair or Replacement of Damaged Rack-2023
MH26.2-2023-Design and Testing of Welded Wire Rack Decking
Specification for the Design Testing and Utilization of Welded Wire Rack Decking - ANSI MH26.2 2023
ANSI MH32.1-2018 - Stairs, Ladders, and Open-Edge Guards for Use with Material Handling Structures
How to Plan An Efficient Rack Layout
Planning and Engineering Guidelines for Specifying Storage Racks and Shelving Systems
Complete RMI Illustrated Examples 1- 18 combined
Event Start Date End Date Sponsor Location
2025 MHI Annual Conference 10/12/2025 10/15/2025 MHI JW Marriott Starr Pass
Tucson, AZ
2026 MHI Annual Conference 9/27/2026 9/30/2026 MHI JW Marriott Desert Springs
Palm Springs, CA
2027 MHI Annual Conference 10/10/2027 10/13/2027 MHI JW Marriott Grande Lakes
Orlando, FL

RMI Managing Director

Anna Harreveld



Paul Neal
UNARCO Material Handling, Inc.

Vice President
John Schmidt
Rack Builders, Inc.

Tommy Sinclair
Engineered Products

Anna Harreveld

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