What is AS/RS?


Common Misconceptions about AS/RS





Going from Manual to Automated Picking for Small to Midsize E-Commerce Retailers



The Journey to Automated Micro Fulfillment



Embracing the Change with AS-RS

B30.13: Storage/Retrieval (S/R) Machines and Associated Equipment
B30.13 applies to storage/retrieval (S/R) machines and associated equipment, such as aisle transfer cars and aisle equipment, and interfaces with other material handling equipment covered under other standards. The provisions of this Standard applying to S/R machines shall apply equally to the construction, installation, inspection, testing, maintenance, and operation of aisle transfer cars and any load handling equipment which is part of or attached to S/R machines or aisle transfer cars.
ANSI MH24.2-Power-Operated Vertical Carousels & Lift Modules
This standard serves to eliminate or minimize the hazards which can arise during installation, start up, operation, maintenance, testing, and dismantling of power-operated vertical carousels and vertical lift modules. Vertical carousels are circulating storage equipment modules with load carriers that can be provided with one or more access openings. Vertical lift modules handle goods such as storage containers placed on load carriers using a built-in lift unit that carry goods from an access opening to storage locations in a racking tower, or from a storage location to an access opening.

Sarosh Ahmed, University of Toledo
The 2023 ASRS Honor Scholarship has been awarded to Sarosh Ahmed, a sophomore Mechanical Engineering student at the University of Toledo. He is excited about system design and optimization when it comes to systems that involve the transportation and storage of materials. Sarosh has demonstrated excellence in the field of science and technology by constructing robot schematics and software logic using Solidworks and Java as a designer and programmer for FIRST Robotics. He plans to enter the workforce upon graduation.

Event Start Date End Date Sponsor Location
2025 MHI Annual Conference 10/12/2025 10/15/2025 MHI JW Marriott Starr Pass
Tucson, AZ
2026 MHI Annual Conference 9/27/2026 9/30/2026 MHI JW Marriott Desert Springs
Palm Springs, CA
2027 MHI Annual Conference 10/10/2027 10/13/2027 MHI JW Marriott Grande Lakes
Orlando, FL

AS/RS Managing Executive

Jayesh Mehta



Mark Hasler

Vice Chair
Valentina Cecchi
Modula Inc.

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