Case Studies

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31 - 45 of 66 results

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Work Station Crane Solves Handling Problems

31) Work Station Crane Solves Handling Problems

An automotive manufacturer in Canada needed a process for overhead material handling when their plant converted from a warehouse operation to a manufacturing operation. They chose Free ...

CNH America – Tractor Tire Lift

32) CNH America – Tractor Tire Lift

Our customer CNH America, a global manufacturer of agriculture and construction equipment required a lift system in their tractor manufacturing location to raise their tractors weighing ...

Valet-Operated Parking Lift

39) Valet-Operated Parking Lift

A repair shop owner wanted to expand the business but was limited in square footage at the ground level in the downtown area of his city. He owned the 3- story commercial building he ...

Air Cargo Lifts Handle Large Containers

40) Air Cargo Lifts Handle Large Containers

A major logistics company required a loading dock solution for transferring extremely large and heavy air cargo containers between variable truck bed heights and a fixed dock height.

End of the Line Lift for Truck Assembly

41) End of the Line Lift for Truck Assembly

A major truck manufacturer wanted a lift system to be used at the end of a tow chain conveyor system to raise the truck off of the tow chain for inspection and then to lower to ground ...

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