MMA-Certified Program


1.1 In developing this program, a number of guiding principles have been followed. The program must:

  • Be customer focused
  • Be recognized as valuable
  • Be technically sound
  • Add product value
  • Be credible
  • Be self-policing
  • Be cost effective

2.1 General operating characteristics of the program include:

  • 2.1.1 Licensee must be a manufacturer of workstation bridge cranes or patented track systems.
  • 2.1.2 MMA membership is NOT required to receive an MMA-Certified License; however, Applicants shall be able to satisfy all of the requirements for MMA membership with the exception that MHI membership is not required. Download MMA Bylaws (84 kb)
  • 2.1.3 MMA-Certified can only be applied to products that conform to
    ANSI MH27.1 or ANSI MH27.2.
  • 2.1.4 A cognizant and qualified Professional Engineer, who is registered in the United States of America and employed or otherwise retained by the Licensee, must verify, sign and seal that the product meets the requirements of the applicable standard(s) and must construct a supporting Technical File as described in SECTION 5 – Technical File Guide.
  • 2.1.5 A listing of active MMA-Certified products and qualified Licensees is available here.
  • 2.1.6 The MMA-Certified mark (63 kb) can only be applied to products that have been certified in accordance with the requirements set forth elsewhere herein.
  • 2.1.7 A product that has been altered (i.e., a significant design change) beyond its Certified Configuration can only carry the MMA-Certified mark after a cognizant Professional Engineer verifies, signs and seals that the altered product meets the requirements of the applicable standard.

3.1 An Applicant for an MMA-Certified License must contact the Managing Executive of MMA who shall:

  • 3.1.1 Oversee a “due diligence” evaluation of the Applicant’s qualifications, and
  • 3.1.2 Provide the Applicant with procedural and technical requirements as well as related documents in electronic or other format.

3.2 An Applicant shall prepare an electronic Submittal Package for each product or product family of like design containing the following:

  • 3.2.1 Declaration of Conformity-Technical (32 kb) (Attachment “A”) certifying that the subject product or product family of like design meets or exceeds every applicable requirement in the identified standard. This Declaration of Conformity-Technical shall be signed and sealed by a cognizant and qualified Professional Engineer who may be employed or otherwise retained by the Applicant and who is registered in the United States of America.
  • 3.2.2 Declaration of Conformity-Service and Support (31 kb) (Attachment “B”) signed by the CEO or other Officer of the Applicant that provides tangible evidence that the Licensee has in its possession and will continue to be in a position to offer the following:
    • Literature and manuals that address safety, installation, operation, maintenance, warranty and replacement parts.
    • Evidence of product training and technical support.
    • Evidence of availability of spare parts for the "life cycle" of the product.
    • Evidence of qualified service and repair capabilities.
    • Proof of adequate product liability insurance.
  • 3.3 Prior to submittal of the aforesaid package for approval, the Applicant and MMA will execute a Hold Harmless Agreement (142 kb).
  • 3.4 The Managing Executive of MMA or his/her designee shall review the two reports and shall verify that all requirements have been met.
  • 3.5 MMA and the Applicant will enter into a License Agreement governing the Applicant’s use of the MMA Certification.
  • 3.6 An Annual License fee is included in the basic MMA dues for its members which are in good standing. Non-members of MMA which apply for a License shall pay an annual License fee of $5,000.
  • 3.7 Having been granted an MMA-Certified License, the Licensee shall be authorized to display the MMA-Certified mark with regard to any qualified product or product family of like design in accordance with the License Agreement.
  • 3.8 License Certification shall be reaffirmed in accordance with the aforesaid Approval Process every five (5) years unless a significant design change to the product or product family of like design is made before that date, in which case immediate re-certification is required.
  • 3.9 This program may be modified or amended at any time as decided by the MMA alone.

4.1 MMA-Certified Licensees may display evidence of qualified products being MMA-Certified as follows:

  • 4.1.1 In specifications for the qualified products
  • 4.1.2 On the qualified products themselves
  • 4.1.3 On drawings of the qualified products
  • 4.1.4 On literature about the qualified products
  • 4.1.5 In advertisements for the qualified products
  • 4.1.6 At public events involving the qualified products

5.1 The technical file for each product or product family of like design that is MMA Certified shall include the following items:

  • 5.1.1 The Declaration of Conformity-Technical (32 kb) (Attachment “A”) signed and sealed in accordance with paragraph 3.2.1.
  • 5.1.2 The Declaration of Conformity-Service and Support (31 kb) (Attachment “B”) signed in accordance with paragraph 3.2.2.
  • 5.1.3 A section-by-section response to each pertinent requirement of ANSI Standards
    MH27.1 or AMH27.2.
  • 5.1.4 Documents describing or otherwise identifying the product or product family of like design that is MMA Certified, including but not limited to design documents, owner’s manual, parts list, and product catalog.
  • 5.1.5 Documents substantiating the Declaration of Conformity – Technical including but not limited to materials that delineate design inputs, calculations, analyses, evaluations and test reports.
  • 5.1.6 The aforesaid documents need not be maintained in the same file or in a single physical space, although they must be readily available in the event of a request by the MMA Managing Executive or his/her designee to review the same, as required elsewhere herein.

The following terms, phrases and words may apply to MMA Certified:

  • 6.1 Adequate Product Liability Insurance – An amount of liability insurance that covers the design and manufacture of products that are subject to MMA Certified and that provides the Applicant protection from potential liability associated with the Applicant’s products that are MMA Certified and that names MMA and MHI as “additional insureds.”

    The strict interpretation is that the Applicant has determined an appropriate level of liability coverage requirement and has obtained a liability insurance policy in that amount. As proof, the Applicant must provide a Certificate of Insurance naming Material Handling Industry (MHI) and the Monorail Manufacturers Association (MMA) as additional insureds on the liability policy. It is not the role of Staff to audit or maintain such documents, only to confirm their existence. It is the Applicant’s burden to maintain these documents as current and provide Staff updated documents as changes occur.
  • 6.2 Applicable Standard(s) – The Standard(s) that apply to the product in question. MH27.1 for patented track products and MH27.2 for enclosed track products.
  • 6.3 Applicant – Company applying for the MMA-Certified License.
  • 6.4 Certified Configuration – Product version earning MMA-Certified.
  • 6.5 Cognizant – The term is used to describe the Professional Engineer who performs the evaluation and attests to conformance as having awareness, realization, and knowledge of the technical aspects of monorail products.
  • 6.6 Declaration of Conformity – Two documents, one Technical and the other Service and Support, which attest to compliance with the MMA-Certified Program.
  • 6.7 Due Diligence Evaluation – The process by which the MMA Managing Executive investigates and verifies the Applicant’s submissions.
  • 6.8 Hold Harmless Agreement – The contract by which Applicants and Licensees agree to indemnify MMA, MHI, and its officers, executives, and members from all claims or costs relating to the MMA Certified Program.
  • 6.9 Issuing Agent – The Professional Engineer who signs and seals the Declaration of Conformity and who certifies that the product or product family of like design complies with the Applicable Standard(s).
  • 6.10 License – The permission by MMA to Licensee that it has the rights to display and to promote its qualifying products as MMA-Certified.
  • 6.11 License Agreement - Contract between MMA and Licensee agreeing to the conditions of the award of MMA-Certified.
  • 6.12 Licensee – Successful Applicant.
  • 6.13 Life Cycle of the Product – The time commencing with a product’s release into the stream of commercial market to its withdrawal from the market.
  • 6.14 Manufacture – Taking raw material or semi-finished material and through the performance of processes involving engineering and design, fabricating, converting or producing therefrom semi-finished or finished workstation bridge cranes or patented track systems for sale commercially. “Manufacture” is not merely assembling or combining components manufactured by others.
  • 6.15 Marked products – Products for which the MMA-Certified Mark have been licensed.
  • 6.16 Member – A company that is a member of MMA.
  • 6.17 MH27.1 or MH 27.2 – The ANSI standards that are recognized by MMA.
  • 6.18 MMA – Monorail Manufacturers Association, an Affiliated Trade Association of the MHI.
  • 6.19 MMA By-Laws – The rules by which the MMA governs itself.
  • 6.20 MMA-Certified – The program for allowing Monorail products to gain a measure of proof of compliance to the Applicable Standard(s).
  • 6.21 MMA-Certified Mark – The trade mark that Licensees are authorized to use and to display in association with such product or product family of like design that qualifies for the MMA-Certified status.
  • 6.22 MMA-Certified Program – Program by which a monorail product can gain MMA-Certified status.
  • 6.23 Product Family of Like Design – A number of products sharing brand, fundamental design objectives, styling, performance and operating characteristics.
  • 6.24 Professional Engineer – A person who has gained registration and is licensed as a Professional Engineer in the United States.
  • 6.25 Qualified Product – A product that has been approved and is covered by the License.
  • 6.26 Qualified Service & Repair Capabilities – The service and repairs that the Applicant offers to meet its obligations in providing safe and effective service and repairs for its products.
  • 6.27 Reaffirmed – The process of completion and submitting a new Declaration of Conformity in accordance with Section 3 above.
  • 6.28 Sign and Seal – The Professional Engineer’s attestation as to the compliance of the product to the Applicable Standard(s), in accordance with the rules and regulations governing the institution by which the Professional Engineer is licensed.
  • 6.29 Significant Design Change – A change to the design of product covered by the License that could affect the compliance of the product with the Applicable Standard.
  • 6.30 Technical File – The Professional Engineer’s work product that substantiates and documents his verifications, conclusions and related attestations that the product complies with the Applicable Standard(s).
  • 6.31 Verify – Taking appropriate steps and actions including evaluation, analysis, calculation, and tests, to confirm that the product complies with the Applicable Standard(s).

Certified Products

Certification Number901002-2009
Date Certified01/05/09
Date of Recertification7/31/2020
Product or Product Family of Like DesignGorbel Work Station Cranes (WSC) including Free Standing and Ceiling Mounted steel bridge cranes (GLC series), Free Standing and Ceiling Mounted aluminum bridge cranes (AL series), Monorails of steel (GLM), Monorails of Aluminum (ALM series)
ManufacturerGorbel, Inc.
Declaration of Conformity TechnicalDownload
Declaration of Conformity Service and SupportDownload
Proof of Adequate Product Liability InsuranceDownload
Certification Number901003-2009
Date Certified1/05/09
Date of Recertification1/28/2020
Product or Product Family of Like DesignSpanco Workstation Bridge Crane Series TR, CMT, MT and AluTrack
ManufacturerSpanco, Inc.
Declaration of Conformity TechnicalDownload
Declaration of Conformity Service and SupportDownload
Certification Number901004-2009
Date Certified01/06/09
Date of Recertification5/14/2020 Download
Product or Product Family of Like DesignKBK Enclosed Rail, Monorails & Crane Systems
ManufacturerDemag Cranes & Components Corporation
Declaration of Conformity TechnicalDownload
Declaration of Conformity Service and SupportDownload
Proof of Adequate Product Liability InsuranceDownload
Certification Number901007-2009
Date Certified3/9/2020
Product or Product Family of Like DesignWorkstation Aluminum Jib Cranes and Workstation Aluminum Bridge Cranes Free Standing And Ceiling Mounted
ManufacturerSchmalz Inc.
Declaration of Conformity TechnicalDownload
Declaration of Conformity Service and SupportDownload
Certification Number901007-2015
Date Certified5/15/15
Product or Product Family of Like DesignUnified Industries, Inc. Crane Types: 1) Freestanding Cranes 2) Ceiling Suspended Cranes 3) Ceiling Suspended Monorails 4) Freestanding Monorails, of weight capacity 275#, 550#, 1100# and 2200#
ManufacturerUnified Industries, Inc.
Declaration of Conformity TechnicalDownload
Declaration of Conformity Service and SupportDownload


Step 1

Review the MMA Bylaws (84 kb) for eligibility. Applicants must be MMA Member-eligible, although there is no requirement for MMA Membership.

Step 2

Complete the MMA - Certified Hold Harmless Agreement (142 kb) and submit it via email to the MMA Managing Director.

Step 3

For each product or product family of like design, complete the
MMA - Certified Declaration of Conformity - Technical (32 kb) and the
MMA Certified Declaration of Conformity - Service and Support (31 kb) and submit them via email to the MMA Managing Director.

Step 4

MMA Staff will carefully review all documentation and will arrange telephone interviews with all document signitories to validate the application process.

Step 5

Upon receipt of the Application Fee ($5,000.00 USD), MMA Staff will forward a letter conferring the MMA - Certified status on the product(s) submitted including the MMA - Certified License Agreement and MMA - Certified Logo Guidelines which includes permitted logo useage and printing instructions. Certifications will be posted to for public review.
