About BOSTONtec, Inc.

BOSTONtec focuses on providing quality, ergonomic workstations and accessories designed to increase productivity and improve the quality of work life. With more than 30 years of design and manufacturing experience, we are a leader in modular workstations and customizable solutions to meet the specific requirements of fulfillment, assembly, medical, and technical applications.

BOSTONtec engineers and manufactures all products in the United States to accommodate the needs of 90% of operators or what ergonomists refer to as the 5th to 95th percentile. We are committed to reducing work-related repetitive motion injuries and illnesses which account for about 1/3 of all lost work time annually.


  • BOSTONtec Workstation Enviornments


Adjustable Ergonomic Workstations Reduce StressMHI Solutions article by Jean Feingold discussing the benefits on designing workstations for the operator and application.Download
BOSTONtec AdvantageImproving productivity through ergonomic solutionsDownload
Custom CapabilitiesBOSTONtec is the industry leader in customized solutions. Our in-house capabilities take your ideas from concept to final product.Download
Electric Height Adjustable WorkstationsBest for multiple-operator, multiple-shift applications. Designed to support 5th to 95th percentile operators in a sitting or standing posture. Work surface height is easily adjustable at the touch of a button.Download
Ergonomics At WorkBOSTONtec was founded on a commitment to providing ergonomic workstations that improve the quality of life and increase productivity. This is achieved through a full line of height adjustable workstations and a wide range of accessories that lift, tilt, rotate and slide for optimal flexibility.Download
Five Reasons to Ditch the CrankBOSTONtec electric height adjustable workstations are a cost-effective solution to promote employee health and improve productivity.Download
Four Post WorkstationsFour post workstations are versatile and cost-effective. They are designed to meet the dynamic needs of various industrial applications. They integrate seamlessly with BOSTONtec industrial uprights and compatible accessories for a multitude of configurations. Download
Wire Harness Board Frame This workstation is the result of three years of cooperative development with several major wire harness fabricators. The electric height adjustable and manual tilt mechanisms provide a more ergonomic work environment increasing productivity. Frame allows operator to properly set a wire harness board quickly, then change position.Download

Contact Us

2700 James Savage Road
Midland, MI 48642

Nina Neuschuetz, Marketing Manager
Phone: 989-496-9510

Brands / Products

  • BOSTONtec

Product Categories

  • Manufacturing Facility
  • Shelving