Case Studies

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Accident Prevention Worth It’s Weight

35) Accident Prevention Worth It’s Weight

The safety manager worries about twisted knees, broken ankles, medical bills, recovery periods, new recruits and overtime. He is not a coach, yet he has responsibility for 13 “teams.” ...

Air Cargo Lifts Handle Large Containers

37) Air Cargo Lifts Handle Large Containers

A major logistics company required a loading dock solution for transferring extremely large and heavy air cargo containers between variable truck bed heights and a fixed dock height.

End of the Line Lift for Truck Assembly

38) End of the Line Lift for Truck Assembly

A major truck manufacturer wanted a lift system to be used at the end of a tow chain conveyor system to raise the truck off of the tow chain for inspection and then to lower to ground ...

G-Force® Proves It Can Handle The Heat

39) G-Force® Proves It Can Handle The Heat

A leading manufacturer of construction and mining equipment was seeking a new solution for the handling of hydraulic cylinder pins during the heat treat process. In this application, ...

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