Kelley Lift Tables Play Vital Role in Commercial Floor Mat Manufacturing Process

The need for durable and dependable lift tables plays a vital role at M+A Matting’s commercial floor mat manufacturing facility in LaGrange, Ga. M+A Matting replaced its failing lift tables with more durable Kelley lift tables. With a five horsepower continuous duty motor that produce an efficient 26-second raise/lower time, each 48- x 102-inch table has an 8,000 lb. capacity, stands 12 inches in its lowest position and 71 inches at its highest position. Employees use a touch screen to raise and lower the lift tables. When a table reaches the correct height, a button lights up on the screen indicating the lift should stop at a specific oven opening.
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Kelley Lift Tables Play Vital Role in Commercial Floor Mat Manufacturing Process
4Front Engineered Solutions

Allison Dunn

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