About voestalpine Krems Finaltechnik GmbH

voestalpine Krems Finaltechnik GmbH is a company of voestalpine AG and embedded in the Metal Forming Division. We offer extensive skills and expertise from one group headquarters and one location - from product development and production, to further processing, all the way to turn-key solutions. The storage technology professionals concentrate on complex high bay silos - wall and roof bearing high bay warehouses for pallets and small parts. In the business area high bay warehouse we have successfully realize over 1,000 projects globally, strengthening our market presence of over 35 years. Warehouses that can be operated fully automatically and which reach heights up to 50 meters are our specialty. Unit load systems, pallet shuttle systems, automated small parts warehouses or special warehouses - unique solutions for unique customer needs.

Contact Us

Schmidhuttenstrasse 5
Krems 3500 Lower Austria

Julia Koppensteiner, Marketing & Communications
Phone: 001 43 50304 14 686
Fax: 011 43 50304 54 716

Product Categories

  • Manufacturing Facility
  • Racks
  • Tool Handling & Storage Systems
  • Warehousing and Storage

Trade Shows

Come See Us in Booth S427
