About Gather AI

See your inventory with Gather AI’s inventory monitoring drones. Cutting-edge warehouses use our solution to decrease their cost of inventory accuracy, improve warehouse operations and boost revenue. Warehouses can scan 15X more pallets per hour, significantly improving inventory visibility. Our customers have seen an 8% increase in inventory accuracy (from 89%-97%) in three months, a decrease in cost per scan of 70%, and a doubling of sales.

With no capital expense and no infrastructure changes, Gather AI makes overcoming inventory challenges easy.


How Warehouse Drones Are Transforming Inventory MRead this e-book to see the benefits of warehouse drones identified by 15 cutting-edge warehouses.Download
Gather AI Solution OverviewLearn how Gather AI can help you see your inventory in real time. Download

Contact Us

2621 Murray Ave.
Pittsburgh Pennsylvania 15217
United States

Brands / Products

  • Gather AI Drone-Powered Inventory Monitoring Solution

Product Categories

  • Autonomous Mobile Robots
  • Distribution & Warehousing Software
  • Distribution Center
  • Inventory Management Software
  • Manufacturing Facility
  • Order Picking & E-Commerce Fulfillment
  • Robotics
  • Supply Chain Execution Systems and Software
  • Sustainable Facility Solutions
  • Warehouse


  • Customer Success Stories

  • Serving a complex account with the help of Gather AI

  • Reduce equipment costs, reallocate cycle counters with Gather AI

  • 70% Improvement in Inventory Accuracy

  • Employee Safety Benefits of Gather AI

  • Find and fix inventory errors in web dashboard

Trade Shows

Come See Us in Booth N8154

Come See Us in Booth A12518
