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16) Unitizer

Any type of equipment which aggregates several items into a single unit load.

17) Testing

The Material Handling Industry of America is an ANSI accredited standard developing entity. The various Product Sections affiliated with MHIA have developed a number of testing and design standards for various types of material handling equipment. To peruse these standards, you are encourages to visit the Material Handling Institute's Resource Center at .

18) Specification

The Product Sections affiliated with the Material Handling Industry of America have and continue to develop specifications and standards for performance, testing, safety and design of various types of material handling equipment. To preview these MHIA developed standards, please utilize the MHIA Web site at .

19) Time and Motion

A work measurement process that takes into consideration time to perform a task in a normal or variant effort or pace.  The time and effort needed to accomplish a task.

20) Small parts storage

The system of storing small parts/items usually utilizing bin shelving and rack and storing the parts in plastic or metal bins and containers.  Carousels can be used for storing and retrieving these smaller parts.

21) Simulation

A technique used  to test-drive or simulate the operation of a material handling system in a production or warehousing facility.  A computer generated model is created to represent the proposed system and the flow of product is "sent" through the model.  The efficiency of the proposed system can thereby be gauged prior to the actual installation of the system.

22) Total Quality Management

The quality of a total process is managed by observing and seeking to meet customer expectations.  The emphasis then becomes the prevention, detection, and elimination of defects or other quality problems.

23) Shop floor scheduling

A system that prioritizes and schedules work for the shop floor and communicates the progress of this work regarding the schedules and plans that have been made.  Shop floor planning is necessary to ensure that quantities that are expected to be completed on time are and also that the resources (labor, materials, machinery and equipment) are used to best effect in on-time delivery, inventory minimization and cost control.

24) Standard

The Product Sections affiliated with the Material Handling Industry of America have and continue to develop specifications and standards for performance, testing, safety and design of various types of material handling equipment. To preview these MHIA developed standards, please utilize the MHIA Web site at .

25) Sensor

An electronic device designed to detect a specific phenomenon, such as the presence or absence of a physical object, and used to affect control over a designated process.

26) Tracking software

Software programs developed specifically to enhance the "tracking" of returnable containers and pallets. 

27) Thermal transfer label

Labels printed using a direct thermal printer that does not use ribbons.

28) Scissors lift

A raising/lowering device that is supported or stabilized by one or more pantograph leg section.

29) Strength factor

The ratio of ultimate strength of a material to tis design stress and maximum rated capacity.

30) Structural foam molded pallet

Structural foam molding is a variation of the injection molded process whereby a compounded plastic material is introduced into an extruder in pellet form, heated to a molten state, and then formed by means of a rotating screw into one or more mold cavities.  The material adopts the configuration of the mold, and once cooled, it is injected as a fully formed pallet. With structural foam molding, a blowing agent is introduced to and mixed thoroughly through the plastic prior to its injection into the mold cavities.  The heating process activates the blowing agent and creates a cellular structure within the molten material. This cellular structure not only saves on raw material requirement, but it produces a part with an elevated strength-to-weight ratio.