1) Case pick from pallet
This is a selection activity performed within a specific type of storage area (often pallet rack). Merchandise movement into these locations is in pallet load quantities from receiving or reserve storage locations. Merchandise movement out of these locations is in case quantities.
2) Bin storage
May be considered a special case of shelving. The horizontal opening would typically be much narrower than that found in shelving and would have a vertical restraining member across the lower face of the bin opening.
3) Cantilever rack
A rack, utilizing "arms" cantilevered from columns, used where there is a need for a full clear shelf that can be loaded from the front without obstruction from rack support uprights.
4) Commercial shelving
Shelving made from lighter gauge materials and designed to provide storage for lighter weight materials and packages.. Often carries a 350# load limit.
5) Closed shelving
Shelving with the sides and back of the unit enclosed with sheet steel side and back panels.