Case Studies

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166 - 180 of 181 results

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High Speed VRC for Disney Gift Shop

166) High Speed VRC for Disney Gift Shop

Disney was in the process of updating its inventory storage and retrieval system behind the scenes of its gift shop to better automate the movement of inventory from below-ground storage ...

Valet-Operated Parking Lift

167) Valet-Operated Parking Lift

A repair shop owner wanted to expand the business but was limited in square footage at the ground level in the downtown area of his city. He owned the 3- story commercial building he ...

Vertical Lifts for Aircraft Parts

168) Vertical Lifts for Aircraft Parts

A major aircraft manufacturer was expanding production facilities and seeking a way to better utilize valuable floor space by going vertical – installing mezzanines throughout to provide ...

Bascule Bridge Provides Safe Passage

179) Bascule Bridge Provides Safe Passage

America A bascule bridge permits safe crossing of railroad spurs and serves as a convenient connection between buildings. This is exactly what a distributor of pet care products needed ...

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