Case Studies

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Heavy Duty protection for Building Columns

49) Heavy Duty protection for Building Columns

A brand new facility owned by a company who, from experience with other warehouses, wanted to protect all of it’s 10”x10” building columns against forklift impact. As a prevention strategy, ...

First Line of Defense for your Uprights

50) First Line of Defense for your Uprights

A newly appointed warehouse manager inherited the responsibility of a facility with a lot of damage due to impact from forklift traffic. A rack survey report highlighted a damage pattern ...

Torklift to benefit the Arts

55) Torklift to benefit the Arts

This custom built lift with its double long, extra wide platform and easy joystick control will allow the museum to transport their collection with ease and increase productivity for ...

Bascule Bridge Provides Safe Passage

59) Bascule Bridge Provides Safe Passage

America A bascule bridge permits safe crossing of railroad spurs and serves as a convenient connection between buildings. This is exactly what a distributor of pet care products needed ...

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