Moving Superchargers in the Automotive Industry with Gorbel’s G-Force® iQ

In this automotive industry application, Cynergy Ergonomics designed a system to assist operators in the handling of superchargers during manufacturing/assembly through the packaging phase with a single lift assist device. One system consists of a telescopic rigid mast manipulator using a Gorbel iQ GForce in a nested trolley configuration; this operates in a double aluminum bridge Gorbel free standing workstation crane system. Another iQ G-Force feature is programmable virtual travel limits. This feature is used in conjunction with tooling mounted proxy switches to activate/deactivate preset travel stop elevations, placing the tooling in the exact position needed for pick and place operation
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Moving Superchargers in the Automotive Industry with Gorbel’s G-Force® iQ
Gorbel Inc.

Jeff McNeil or Rob Beightol

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Ergonomics Assist Systems Equipment