One Injury Far Too Many For This Utility Company's Workers

For an electrical utility company, looking out for employee safety is a high priority. It’s that concern for safety that drives them to test the insulation inserts for cherry picker truck baskets to be sure that any line workers who are repairing power lines above the ground are protected from potential electrical shock. The problems: • 120 lb. baskets were being lifted by hand • Average worker is 55 years old • Worker was injured hoisting the basket in the water basin. The solution, a 500 pound capacity work station crane to cover the entire work area. To service the entire work space, the system was installed as two perpendicular systems that shared common support columns.
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One Injury Far Too Many For This Utility Company's Workers
Gorbel Inc.

Jeff McNeil or Rob Beightol

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Monorail Manufacturers Association, Inc.