
MHI Career Opportunities

Looking for an opportunity? Visit the Career Forums on and

Material Handling is an exciting industry to start or grow your career.

Seasoned supply chain industry leaders and top executives describe the industry as undergoing significant and rapid change. They are focused on making needed investments in facilities, equipment, processes, technology and workforce skills. Their view of the next 10-20 years is unanimous: the pace of change will accelerate as innovation and technology drive new approaches and capabilities. Read more in the 2020 Roadmap Series: Transformation Age, Shaping Your Future:

Check out videos on building your career in Material Handling and Supply Chain

Are you ready to expand your presence in the industry?

  • MHI’s Young Professional Network and Mpro are great ways to become more involved and connected.
  • Does connecting at a local level interest you? WERCouncils provide opportunities for engagement with 13 chapters in the U.S. and Canada.

We are focused on the future workforce - Read about how MHI Connects students and industry with our Student Day program
