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1. Counterbalanced Lift Truck / Block Stacking
2. Narrow Aisle Sideloader Truck / Drive-In Rack
3. Automated Storage/Retrieval Machines
4. Narrow Aisle Lift Turret Truck / Drive-In Rack
5. Trolley Conveyor / Mobile Storage
6. Narrow Aisle Lift Truck
7. Automated Storage/Retrieval Machines
8. Storage and Retrieval Horizontal Carousel System
9. Person-aboard Automated Storage/Retrieval Machine
10. Order Picker Truck
11. Automatic Dispenser
12. Tractor Trailer / Carts
13. Automated Storage/Retrieval Machine
14. Mobile Storage
15. Automated Storage/Retrieval Machine (Computer Simulation)
16. Carousels Storage Units
17. Bar Code Identified Tote Pans / Mobile Storage
18. Carousels Tote Pans Storage Unit